
Contact Information

Company Name : Somatic Unwinding
Contact Name :  Karen Clay LMT, BCSI
Company Logo : img
Location : 1600 S Main St Seattle WA 98144 United States
Website :
Year Established : 1985
More About Somatic Unwinding

How do you change your own body?

If you have musical-skeletal discomfort you are probably stuck in a sub-optimal holding pattern. (Perhaps you hold your shoulders high causing soreness). No amount of bodywork will get you out of pain permanently until you learn a new postural pattern to replace the one causing your discomfort. Your muscles can be relaxed by bodywork but they won't stay that way. Integrating a change (loosened muscles) happens when you begin to be aware of the sensations of the old pattern (high & tight shoulders) being replaced by a new optimal one (shoulders supported by your rib cage and spine.)

This combination of hands-on information, followed by movement/postural awareness can lead to lasting changes.

Karen Clay specializes in facilitating freedom in the body through better alignment, posture and awareness.

She offers to individuals bodywork to address structure (what hurts) and Somatic Education to address function (how you got there). This combination leads to changes that can be permanently integrated into your life.

Karen also leads Somatic Unwinding classes and workshops for Professional Continuing Education and personal development.

School & Certification

ATSI Anatomy Trains Contact School
Board Certified Structural Integrator (cm) Contact School


Map location

1600 S Main St