
Contact Information

Company Name : European Guild for Structural Integration
Contact Name :  Ales Urbanczik
Company Logo : img
Location : Tobelweg 26 Meilen ZH 8706 Switzerland
Website :
Year Established : 2011
More About European Guild for Structural Integration

Ida Rolf dedicated a good part of her life to formulating and teaching, what she called, the 'recipe' - a systematic program of postural re-patterning in ten sessions, using connective tissue manipulation and sensorimotor movement education. The European Guild is one of the schools continuing the inquiry into the 'recipe', without adding elements from other modalities.

Peter Melchior, Neal Powers and Emmett Hutchins, all first generation Rolfers, trained in Structural Integration by Ida Rolf herself, are at the origin of our lineage, and all of our senior instructors were originally their students.

Ida Rolf left Emmett Hutchins the following 'Koan': "
If you truly understand the basic intention/key to the first three hours, you will have discovered the entire process and intention of Structural Integration." 
Emmett Hutchins said, it took him 20 years to discover a moderately accurate answer to that question.

The European Guild for Structural Integration provides a home for all SI practitioners, working with and practicing, a systematic, re-educational approach to the human body, thus continuing the inquiry into the above mentioned "Koan" Emmett Hutchins was assigned. 

We are regular members of the International Association of Structural Integrators (IASI) and our training programs are recognised by IASI.

Click here to find out more about training in Structural Integration with us.

Submitted by S3 on Friday, Nov 12, 2021


I had a chance to come back, review and practice the great original 10 sessions and also learn a logical progression of the original series with the appropriate movement for each of them.... and finally refining and simmering that into advanced series... Neil Powers and Ales Urbanczik are great teachers and fun to be around. Pilsner Urquell fresh in Prague as nowhere else in the world. Great idea of gathering graduates from all SI schools and adjusting course price accordingly to practitioners income/location. Thanks for make it possible.

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Submitted by uli foerg on Friday, Nov 12, 2021

nilce in turin

The Training with Nilce was excellent. She is the Grand Old Lady of Dr. Rolfs work.

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Submitted by Michał Dzierzgwa on Friday, Nov 12, 2021

SI Education Poland 2016/2018

I became interested in SI during the second year of physiotherapy studies. Unfortunately, there was no possibility of training in my country. I waited for such a possibility for 5 years until it appeared with Ales Urbanczik and Adam Polański as teachers. It was the best and most developing training I was on, and as a physiotherapist, I had about twenty of them. In a clear form, we received a recipe for a series of 10 SI. But that was not the most important thing. Thanks to the personality and warmth of Ales and Adam, I felt safe going through the difficult path of learning SI. They showed us how to let ourselves move in the sea of ​uncertainty and trust intuition and what we feel under our hands. They positively strengthened our efforts and gave way to failures, which were a lesson in humility and the search for the right path. They also gave us the opportunity to find our own way of working without imposing their habits. I definitely recommend it!

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Submitted by Yogafriends on Friday, Nov 12, 2021


The strongest sentiment I took home with me was the humility in which we were taught. Never before, in no workshop or class in the field of physiotherapy, have I ever encountered this. It was always a teacher-student relationship, with an incredible power imbalance often bordering on contempt for the student. I have an enormous appreciation for the humility in which we were taught.

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Submitted by Helena Drašnarová on Friday, Nov 12, 2021

Nilce Silveira 4th and 5th session workshop

Seminář byl senzační, ona byla skvělá a moc milá a doufáme, že zas brzy přijede. Kromě desetiletí zkušeností má Nilce mimořádnou schopnost je předat a být u toho velmi kamarádská a lidská. Cítím se velmi obohacena. Workshop with Nilce was great. She is an outstanding hands-on teacher and a very nice person. We all hope she will come back to Prague soon. Not only does she have decades of experience, she has a way of sharing her knowledge the friendliest and most personable way. I feel enriched.

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Submitted by Ondrej Pavelka on Friday, Nov 12, 2021

Workshop based on head work by Ales Urbanczik 12/2018

I would like to thank for this weekend workshop. It has helped me to think about SI sessions in a new way. Ales’s style of teaching is genius he tries to show us everything in a very simple way and it works. Calm atmosfere and liberty that are present during his workshop are amazing. Thank you

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Submitted by Ondrej Pavelka on Friday, Nov 12, 2021

Basic course of SI, Prague 2016-2018

When I first heard about SI and when I saw some videos with doctor Ida Rolf on youtube I was impressed altough I wasn’t sure what was hapening:-). I started to look for some possibility to study a course in Czech Republic. I Was pleased to find out that CASI offered an education of SI. The course that led by Ales Urbanczik fascinated me and absolutly changed my life. Thanks to this course I decided to leave my job and start as a full-time SI practioner. Ales is one of the best teachers I have ever meet. Thank you for everything.

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Submitted by Gaja Karolczak on Friday, Nov 12, 2021

Recipe based Post-10-work with Nilce Silveira

It was wonderful to observe how Nilce gets in touch with anybody she works with; whole dramaturgy of the sessions, its pace, and depth of encounters… And great pedagogical generosity. It was a really great workshop!

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Submitted by Helena Drasnar on Friday, Nov 12, 2021

Nilce Silveira’s workshop in Prague May 2019

This time in Prague Nilce once again offered warmth, humor and kindness along with remarkable knowledge and experience. Not to mention the fact she did a fantastic job on my hip, so in a few days I was able to hop around NYC like “one of us”, something unthinkable just a week before! Thank you Nilce, come back anytime, Prague loves you! HD

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Submitted by Patrik Štajer on Friday, Nov 12, 2021

New Perception, new Feeling... new offer for other clients

Nielce show me new perception of my body. Especially deeper tissues and its harmony and release. Thank you that I can offer it to my client...

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Submitted by Ondrej Pavelka on Friday, Nov 12, 2021

Post-10 work based on the Recipe. Instructor: Nilce Silveira,

I am very grateful for this workshop with Nilce Silveira. It was an amazing three days that once again confirmed the depth and strength of the recipe that Dr. Rolf left us here. I would like to thank GSI for having the opportunity to meet great instructors who show us the beauty of Structural Integration.

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Submitted by Patrik Štajer on Friday, Nov 12, 2021

David Davis Scoliosis

It was excellent looking how David works, how he listens and understands bodys and gives new feelings. I have never seen how to work with such Scoliosis. It helps me with some blocks and I'm looking for working with clients. Highly recommend this workshop...

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Submitted by Lenka on Friday, Nov 12, 2021

David Davis - Scoliosis: Unraveling the Confusion

It was tremendously inspiring for me to know how soft and gentle and at the same time deep and restructural can be a therapeutic touch.

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Submitted by Tamara Mieloch on Friday, Nov 12, 2021

Workshop Mary Bond in Warsaw

Workshop with Mary Bond was a great experience for me. We could work with our perception to better feel the client's body and relationship with him.

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Submitted by Petr Coka on Friday, Nov 12, 2021

Advanced training 2019 Prague with Neal and Fulvio

I would like to say….it was just outstanding experience with fantastic teachers and great participants….Thank you.Petr

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Submitted by Jiri Ucik on Friday, Nov 12, 2021

Psoas Rhomboid Balance

Excellent, new view for me.

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Submitted by Ondrej Pavelka on Friday, Nov 12, 2021

Exploring the Mystery of the Psoas/Rhomboid Balance

I would like to thank Ales for the amazing workshop he has prepared for us, the way he teaches us is really fascinating. again I realized the power of the recipe of ten sessions and step by step i see the relationships fall into place. Throughout the workshop there was an amazing atmosphere full of good.humor and positive energy, integrating us into one great family, into one new whole.

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Submitted by Pavel Srkal on Friday, Nov 12, 2021

Hodnocení workshopu s Alešem o víkendu 17.1. - 19.1. 2020 v Praze

Nejlepší workshop, co jsem kdy zažil. Děkuji moc. Pavel

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Submitted by CASI on Friday, Nov 12, 2021


What the workshop gave me: uncovering new contexts in the body, deeper understanding of body functions not only analytically through the mind, but mainly grasping through personal experiences, more sensitive perception of my body and others, new practical manuals for manual therapy and movement guidance of the client; a series of charming stories and wise insights, supported by life experiences. I rate it great. Lenka

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Announcement of experiential seminar - The introduction to Structural Integration / Rolf Method

Basic Training Course in Structural Integration - in ItalianThe first basic training in Structural Integration of the Guild Europe in Italian language will start in March 2019. The training will be carried out in monthly modules of three days each for a total duration of two years.I studied the Rolf method of Structural Integration with Emmett Hutchins at the Guild for Structural Integration and in 2011 I became an operator. This year I had the opportunity to participate in one of the last weekends of the organized modular course of the European Guild and I was able to appreciate the effects of a modular teaching format distributed over two years. They are professionals who are already working and bringing structural integration into the world ... and they already do so at a very high level. Dario di LorenzoDescription of the courseThe heart of the Guild Europa training program are the principles and the techniques contained in the basic series of the 10 sessions of Structural Integration as they were conceived by Ida Rolf, without additions or modifications deriving from other modalities. The training takes place in modules lasting 20 long weekends and has the following three phases:Phase 1 - 6 long weekends for a total of 152 h in the classroomSkeletal and myofascial anatomyBiomechanics and Structural IntegrationPhysiology and biochemistry of the fasciaAnalysis and interpretation of human structure and movement in order to conceive coherent strategies for manipulative interventions that can improve the structureHow to behave in a therapeutic relationshipExercises to be taken to care for themselves in order to become a competent IS operatorAnatomy and theory of 10 basic sessionsPhase 2 - 6 long weekends for a total of 152 h in the classroomPractice of the 10 Basic sessions during which the trainee students exchange the work between themPhase 3 - 8 long weekends for a total of 202 h in the classroomAt this stage, under supervision, each trainee student practices 10 base sessions on 3 external modelsStudy at homeIn addition to this, students should consider at least 500 hours between home study and practice.TeachersThe course will be held by Fulvio Faudella who will be assisted by Dario Di Lorenzo. Four training modules will be conducted by special teachers, bearers of Ida Rolf's lineage and there will be opportunities to have Aleš Urbanczik - the director of the European Guild for SI. To see the curriculum click below: Fulvio FaudellaDates of basic training 2018/202008. - 10.03.201912. - 14.04.201910. - 12.05.201907. - 09.06.201912. - 14.07.201906.- 08.09.201904. - 06.10.201908. - 10.11.201906. - 08.12.201910. - 12.01.202007. - 09.02.202006. - 08.03.202003. - 05.04.202008. - 10.05.2020Course announcement Click here for Info

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SI Census Europe as of Oct 20, 2019

Recent analysis of the quantity of Structural Integration Practitioners based in Europe qualified by IASI Schools.Data taken from the schools’ websites: approx. 900 practitionersSI practitioners - Absolute by country:1. Germany (by far !) 2. Switzerland 3. UK & Italy 4. Austria 5. Czech Republic 6. Poland 7. FranceSI practitioners - Relative to population:   1. Switzerland - (by far !) ~ 1SI practitioner/80'000) 2. Austria - ~ 1SI practitioner/180'000 3. Czech Republic & Germany ~ 1SI practitioner/240'000 4. Denmark ~ 1SI practitioner/305’000 5. Ireland ~ 1SI practitioner/380’000 6. Italy ~ 1SI practitioner/610’000 7. Poland ~ 1SI practitioner/950 ‘000 8. UK ~ 1SI practitioner/1’100’000 9. France ~ 1SI practitioner/2’100’000SI practitioners – By schools:1.  DIRI/ERA  700 2. EGSI     70 3. SKT     60 4. ATSI     50 5.  GSI     15The live link to the Map can be found here: https://rolfguild.eu/MapFinal.png#Author: Aleš urbanczik

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European Guild for Structural Integration

Structural Integration The Basic Series in All Its Abundance

John Lodge, Structural Integration The Basic Series in All Its Abundance, EGSI


European Guild for Structural Integration

Finding the Line - An Exploration of Structural Integration

Finding the Line - An Exploration of Structural Integration, European Guild For Structural Integration

School & Certification

European Guild For Structural Integration EGSI Contact School


Map location

Tobelweg 26