Excerpts from the "Leg, Knee, & Foot" Advanced Myofascial Techniques training DVDs with Til Luchau, Certified Advanced Rolfer, Rolf Institute® Faculty, and lead instructor, Advanced-Trainings.com...
Excerpts from the "Headaches & Migraines" Advanced Myofascial Techniques training video with Til Luchau, Certified Advanced Rolfer, Rolf Institute® Faculty, and lead instructor, Advanced-Training...
Excerpts from the "Pelvis, Hip, & Sacrum" Advanced Myofascial Techniques training DVDs with Til Luchau, Certified Advanced Rolfer and lead instructor, Advanced-Trainings.com. (aka "Iliotibial Trac...
Excerpts from the "Whiplash" Advanced Myofascial Techniques training DVDs with Til Luchau, Certified Advanced Rolfer, former Rolf Institute® Faculty, and lead instructor, Advanced-Trainings.com. ...
Know the basic whiplash cautions and contraindications! **Technique appropriate only for older, stiffer, less-reactive ("cold") whiplash. Contraindicated for recent, unstable ("hot") whiplash; hi...
Excerpts from the "Pelvis, Hip, & Sacrum" Advanced Myofascial Techniques training DVDs with Til Luchau, Certified Advanced Rolfer, Rolf Institute® Faculty, and lead instructor, Advanced-Trainings...