
Structural Integration - Morales Method®

  • Structural Integration
  • May-19-2022
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Our program is a complete 731-Hour training program comprised of five phases typically completed in 12-16 months or 24 months (depending on course waivers)

In General, the program covers:

  • Anatomy, Physiology and Kinesiology from the perspective and influence of Structural Integration

  • The fostering of palpation skills and the ability to understand and apply the concepts of Directional Resistance and Directional Ease

  • The principles of Morales Method® Structural Integration

  • The ability to body read/assess in movement using the stages of Motor Development and the Order of Complexity 

  • The demonstrated ability to conduct and complete multiple Morales Method® Ten-Series and be introduced to Core Integration Movement sessions

  • Practice building and ethics coverage

There are two levels:

1. APK Fundamentals for entry-level student. 150 Hours ~ Four-week intensive

An in-depth study of Anatomy, Physiology and Kinesiology (APK) is the initial part of the program.  Current research and knowledge is shared with regards to the fascial system and its effect on all aspects of the human body. MMASI program will teach APK material in a manner that will enable the student to learn material in a concise and effective way.  

2. MMASI Prep Course for the experienced practitioner. 60 Hours 

The MMASI Prep Course is designed for career bodyworkers who already have anatomy and physiology training. 

Bodyworkers and manual therapists who have taken enough APK training in the past can go straight to this level (subject to review).

Here, the student receives an accelerated review of the necessary APK material in order to successfully pass the Entrance Exam and continue on to MMASI Level 1.

Students are also introduced to more palpation honing skills and to the philosophy and principles revolving Structural Integration, specifically the MMASI way of Structural Integration.

MMASI Level 1 Programme Detail

104 Hours ~ For Students who have passed the APK entrance exam and are preparing to become a Morales Method® Structural Integrator.


After completely APK Fundamentals and APK Test Prep Course, the student begins their training in Structural Integration.  The student begins by learning the foundation for body reading and the neuro motor basis for our human development.  This information is then used to create a body reading model which is taught and practiced to the point where the student demonstrates proficiency in the skill.  The recognition of structural patterns and the ability to see how these patterns behave in relation to gravity is part of this body reading section.  This learning process helps to build the basis for the MMASI structural integration principles and theories.  Their training then involves learning the proper way to palpate and work the tissue (within the context of a 10 session series) with an emphasis on understanding fascia and its properties.  Understanding the concept of ‘Directional Resistance’ in connective tissue and how it can affect functional patterns in a keystone of this training.

Course Objectives

Students will:

1.  Receive training in body reading and palpation assessment

2.  Receive training in techniques necessary to work myo-fascial tissue

3.  Practice myo-fascial techniques with each other within the context of a 10 session series

4.  Receive an introduction to the Principles of MMASI, the Order of Complexity and the Stages of Motor Development

MMASI Level 2 Programme Detail

168 Hours ~ For Students who have passed MMASI Level 1


The subsequent section of training involves the student witnessing two Structural Integration series as done by the instructor on an outside client/model.  One series will follow the classic ten session series and the other as designed by Marty Morales.  The student will bear witness to the process of Structural Integration and learn from observation.  Training will also include each student performing the SI series on a classmate.  This will allow each student to experience giving and receiving a full Structural Integration series under the direct supervision of the instructor in order to focus on their personal embodiment of the SI protocol and understand the principles of MMASI.

Course Objectives:

1.  Witness two (2) 10 session SI series by the main instructor

2.  Practice giving and receiving the full 10 session SI series on each other

3.  Continue to hone myo-fascial, palpation assessment, and body reading techniques within the context of a 10 session series

4. Apply the Order of Complexity and the Stages of Motor Development to their work within the framework of MMASI’s principles

MMASI Level 3 Programme Detail

248 Hours ~ For Students who have passed MMASI Level 2


The final section of training involves the student witnessing two Structural Integration series as done by the instructor on an outside client/model.  One series will follow the classic ten session series and the other as designed by Marty Morales.  The student will bear witness to the process of Structural Integration and learn from observation.  Training will also include each student performing the SI series on a classmate.  Finally, the student will perform a full 10 session SI on two outside models under the direct supervision of the instructor in order to focus on their personal embodiment of the SI protocol and understand the principles of MMASI.

Course Objectives:
1.  Witness two (2) 10 session SI series by the main instructor
2.  Practice giving and receiving the full 10 session SI series on each other
3.  Practice giving the full 10 session SI series on two outside models under direct supervision

Program Pre-requisites and application process

The following are pre-requisites for applying to the MMASI™ program:

1.  Applicant must be over 18 years old and have a high school diploma or equivalent

2.  An undergraduate degree OR four years of work experience

3.  Applicant must have an adequate command of the English language

4.  Applicant can not have been charged or convicted of any type of sexual assault, domestic violence, or be a registered sex offender

5.  Applicant must submit a resume/CV with application

6.  Applicant must submit three professional reference letters (1 page maximum length)

7.  Applicant must submit a federal-or state-issued ID (for identification purposes) with their application

8.  Applicant must receive, prior to taking any SI level course, the full MMASI™ ten series or a Rolfing® ten series or a SI series from an IASI approved school.  The series must be given by a certified practitioner in good standing.

9.  Students with an existing medical condition are encouraged to consult with their physician.  The physical, mental, and emotional demands of this work should be taken into account before taking on this program.  Morales Method® reserves the right to require a physician's or therapist’s release for any applicant/student.


To Apply to the MMASI program:

  • Meet all the above pre-requisites

  • Make a Non-refundable $100 Enrollment Application fee.  (Fee will be refunded if student is not admitted)

  • Include verification of having received a complete Structural Integration Ten-Series

  • Approval of an application and required enrollment forms.

  • A written 2 page personal life experience essay.  Essay is due 3 weeks before APK Fundamentals begins. All submissions are made through the Online Admissions Application Process.

Please Note: An interview (phone, online, or in person) may be required to complete some applications.

Please email info@moralesmethod.com to start the process!

Posted By Organization / May-08-2018

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Marty Morales

Company Name : Morales Method® Academy of Structural Integration
Member Since March, 2018
