
Integral Anatomy Intensive ~ 6 hr/CE credit course

  • Anatomy Dissection Fascia
  • May-19-2022
  • 0

This 6 hr/CE credit course includes 7 videos and an assessment to review and reinforce the presentation. It is based on the daylong lecture-presentation Gil toured for about 7 years, refining it along the way. This talk delivered in LA in 2012 was the last time it was offered in the US, and represents the culmination of years of learning.

Illustrated with images from the lab and our culture at large, you will enjoy a shift in perspective on how you view and touch the human body, as Gil takes you on a layer-by-layer tour of human form. This course is quite distinct from The Integral Anatomy Series which it builds upon and to which it adds further insights. 

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Your course is accessible without expiration for as long as gilhedley.com is here ~25 years and counting, with many more to come!

Posted By Individual / Sep-06-2018

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Gil Hedley

Company Name : Gil Hedley
Member Since March, 2018
