
Human Dissection - Online Livestream

  • Anatomy Dissection Fascia
  • Nov-16-2021
  • 0

Though you can no longer join us in person this year, we are excited to have run our first ever LIVE STREAMED DISSECTION CLASS.

It is now available to replay and entitles you to 18 hours worth of CEP credit.

I am delighted to be offering a remarkable six day journey into the human form, in the shape of a dissection class, recorded live and made permanently available for members in  the  membership section.

The membership cost is a single, one-off payment for permanent access and includes access to over 20 webinars as well as the recordings of the live stream. 

Our class worked with two donor forms, a male and a female that had been lightly embalmed to give full movement to all the joints and muscle. Light embalming gives the cadaver fullness and realism and is a superior experience than that of fresh, un-embalmed tissues.  You can find a more detailed explanation below.

If you have purchased 10 or more of our previous webinars, please contact us for a discount code!

There are no other costs involved and there is no advertising,  sponsorship or product placements on the site.

Posted By Organization / Jan-12-2021

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Julian Baker

Company Name : Functional Fascia
Member Since April, 2018
