
Fascial Release for Structural Balance

  • Books DVDs
  • May-19-2022
  • 0

This thoroughly revised edition expands its extensive library of techniques and includes current research on the role and treatment of fascia and myofascia in the body. James Earls and Thomas Myers offer the reader more sophisticated testing to explore the relationship between anatomical structure and function, making this updated edition an essential guide for every practitioner. Fascia, the biological fabric surrounding muscles, bones, and organs, plays a crucial role in both mobility and stability.

By learning to work intelligently with the variety of fascial tissues, a bodyworker can help ease many chronic conditions, often providing immediate and lasting pain relief, as well as reducing the strains that contribute to movement limitations. The authors show that approaching fascial restriction requires a different eye, a different touch, and tissue-specific techniques.

This book offers a detailed introduction to structural and functional anatomy and fascial release therapy, including bodyreading global postural analysis coupled with complete technique descriptions. The book features 150 color photographs that clearly demonstrate each technique. Earls and Myers, both respected bodywork professionals, provide any manual therapist physiotherapists, osteopaths, chiropractors, myofascial trigger point therapists, and massage therapists the information they need to deliver effective treatments and create systemic change in clients posture and function.

Posted By Individual / May-21-2018

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James Earls

Company Name : Born To Walk
Member Since March, 2018
