
Balancing The Pelvis - Anatomy Trains

  • Books DVDs
  • May-19-2022
  • 0

Expand your grasp of the pelvis in all its complexity!  Tom Myers presents his unique take on pelvic anatomy and SI joint dynamics, and takes us on a systematic tour of the 20 ‘myofascial units’ (muscles) surrounding the pelvis, demonstrating and explaining the anatomy, the approach, and Fascial Release techniques.  

The 3-DVD set works progressively through the three ‘fans’ of muscle around the hip that interact to produce stability, posture & movement -or contribute to pain patterns in the pelvis,low back, and SI joint. Learn various treatments strategies for common positional problems of the pelvis as well as pre- and post-natal issues, explained with Tom’s characteristic humor and scope  A full 6 hours of detailed instruction based on Tom’s 40-years’ experience with working all around the pelvis.

The pelvis is the keystone of human architecture, transferring forces from the legs to spine and back again. This 3-DVD self-study program takes you through the hip abductors, deep lateral rotators, adductors, pelvic floor, and the deep hip flexors. Learn to accurately find and treat the problem-area ‘corners’ of the pelvic area – like the medial side of the hip joint – safely and with confidence.

CEs: 6 CEs NCBTMB, approximate run time: 6 hours

Posted By Organization / May-09-2018

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Tom Myers

Company Name : Anatomy Trains
Member Since March, 2018
