
Anatomy Trains Structural Integration Training (KMI)

  • Structural Integration
  • May-19-2022
  • 0

Our new format allows two pathways towards professional certification — our traditional intensive program, or through a series of short workshops coupled with online learning. Everybody needs to start with the Anatomy Trains Structure and Function 3-day overview class — where we get to know you and you get to know us. Follow up with our six regional anatomy workshops in your area or come to our 14-day intensive.

In the second phase, students apply the assessments and techniques from Part 1 to practice a 3-series protocol of Structural Integration with clinical practice on outside models in a 10-day program.

The third phase, 3 x 10-day classes in as many months, is where students are taught and tested in the full 12-series program of Structural Integration. Graduates form this program are certified to practice ATSI and join the International Association of Structural Integrators (IASI).

All along the way, you’ll get ‘hands on’ personal attention, academic and touch-skills assessments, and all the materials and skills you need to make a success in the practice of restoring natural balance and fluid movement.

ATSI is taught in Maine, USA, Australia and Europe.

Course Structure

ATSI Professional Certification is offered in three parts.  You may take each part separately, in consecutive order, as long as the next part is completed within 2 years of the previous part and based on space availability. Most people go through the full training with the same group.

Part 1 - Structural Essentials

Anatomy Trains in Structure and Function – 3 day course. This can be taken as either a modular or intensive format.

Structural Essential  courses:

  • Arches and Legs – 3 days
  • Fans of the Hip – 3 days
  • Opening the Breath (Abdomen, Chest and Breath) -2.5 days
  • Tensegrity Spine – 2 days
  • Shoulders and Arms – 2 days
  • Head Neck and Jaw – 2 days

Part 2 - Structural Strategies

Structural Strategies is a 10 day course where students learn assessment, strategy, technique, and practice working with outside models. Students will learn the 3 series of structural bodywork developed by Tom Myers and based on Anatomy Trains. All students will be evaluated during the program and approval is required to move on to Part III at end of this session.

Part 3 - Structural Integration

Students will build on the skills and experience of Structural Vision, learning the traditional 12 series working with the methodology developed by Tom Myers, and based on Anatomy Trains.

Session I: 11 days (first 4 sessions of the ATSI 12 Series)
Session II: 10 days (second 4 sessions of the ATSI 12 Series)
Session III: 10 days (last 4 sessions of the ATSI 12 series)

In Australia and the UK Part III will be offered in two blocks:

Session I: 16 days (first 6 sessions of the ATSI 12 series)
Session II: 15 days (last 6 sessions of the ATSI 12 series)

To apply to train and become an Anatomy Trains Structural Integration Practitioner an application must be  submitted first.

To find out more, how to apply, the prerequisites and view the ATSI training schedule please click here.
For questions and inquiries, call our office at 888 546-3747 or email Stephanie at workshops@anatomytrains.com.

Posted By Organization / May-13-2018

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Tom Myers

Company Name : Anatomy Trains
Member Since March, 2018
