ADVANCED NECK WORK introduces the manual therapist (Massage Therapist, Physical Therapist, Osteopath, Chiropractor, Athletic Trainer) to advanced techniques for the neck in order to help clients get o...
With real time footage, this course will show the practitioner how Marty Morales, Certified Advanced Rolfer, addresses someone with actual Frozen Shoulder and gets results!Different concepts and techn...
In this jam packed course you will learn how to work the Supraspinatus muscle in a variety of way with different tools (knuckles, thumbs, etc.) in order to effectively access the tissue deeply.You wil...
Looking for some new deep tissue techniques and help with body mechanics for working the glutes?Look no further!This course contains wonderfully detailed instruction on how to create more force while ...
From Marty: "It took me years to get where I am.I've experienced the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat. Looking back, it would have been great to get some guidance, even a wee bit, th...
In this course you will learn a simple yet effective approach to working and resolving plantar fasciitis.You will watch and learn:1. An actual real world demonstration on someone who is dealing with p...
ADVANCED NECK WORK introduces the manual therapist (Massage Therapi...
With real time footage, this course will show the practitioner how ...
In this jam packed course you will learn how to work the Supraspina...
Looking for some new deep tissue techniques and help with body mech...
From Marty: "It took me years to get where I am.I've exper...
In this course you will learn a simple yet effective approach to wo...