Recent analysis of the quantity of Structural Integration Practitioners based in Europe qualified by IASI Schools.
Data taken from the schools’ websites: approx. 900 practitioners
SI practitioners - Absolute by country:
1. Germany (by far !) 2. Switzerland 3. UK & Italy 4. Austria 5. Czech Republic 6. Poland 7. France
SI practitioners - Relative to population:
1. Switzerland - (by far !) ~ 1SI practitioner/80'000)
2. Austria - ~ 1SI practitioner/180'000
3. Czech Republic & Germany ~ 1SI practitioner/240'000
4. Denmark ~ 1SI practitioner/305’000
5. Ireland ~ 1SI practitioner/380’000
6. Italy ~ 1SI practitioner/610’000
7. Poland ~ 1SI practitioner/950 ‘000
8. UK ~ 1SI practitioner/1’100’000
9. France ~ 1SI practitioner/2’100’000
SI practitioners – By schools:
1. DIRI/ERA 700 2. EGSI 70 3. SKT 60 4. ATSI 50 5. GSI 15
The live link to the Map can be found here:
Author: Aleš urbanczik
Structural Integration Practitioners based Europe