There are places, just as there are people and objects and works of art, whose relationship of parts creates mystery, an enchantment, which cannot be analysed, (Paul Nash, 1949)
An effective human being is a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts (Dr Ida Rolf). The human form, explained fully not by an anatomist or biomechanics expert like me, but by the artist. The closest we have to an understanding of the essence of the human form is through movement. Fred Aster, Michael Jordan, Darcey Bussell, have a poise, beauty and grace that amazes. Their movement is one that fully expresses the human condition.
It is within the work of Structural Integration that the relationship within that can be explored and improved. A development of ones self perception, awareness and beauty of the essential essence of self that is movement. Structural Integration gets to the fabric of this essence of being human.
So our aches and pains, our frozen shoulders, plants fasciitis and a multitude of other issues are improved, eased or removed by this work. In doing so it takes one on a journey of self discovery otherwise left to the geniuses of the artistic and sporting world.
Owen Lewis is a Structural Integrator, movement analyst and anatomist. He runs a busy private practise in Downham Market. Owen lectures across Europe to specialists of other forms of bodywork, including Physiotherapists, Osteopaths and Surgeons, and teachers of Yoga, Pilates and various sports coaches. He has trained with some of the greats, most notably, Thomas Myers author of Anatomy Trains. He works with everyone, young and old, office workers to elite sports people.
Owen Lewis